Welcome to my Foodie Blog

I'm a beginner cook with a very very supportive husband as my kitchen assistant.
My foodie blog is where I will share my simple and no fuss recipes that my husband and I like and absolutely easy to try... At least we have tried.
I also love taking picture of the food so here it goes... a combination of cooking and photography... Enjoy

Love, Helena Rijoly - Matakupan

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Panekoek Unti - Pandan Crepes with Sweetened Cinamon Flavour Coconut Filling

Here's Cooking after a long absent. Ambon peaceful days were disturbed by a 'sectarian clash' and conituous bomb threats and unrest in grassroots level. So I'm back full throttle with my young Ambassadors for Peace organization. With 1 year old baby, what I can do is very limited. No more going down to the front line physically but I'm in the 'front line' from behind my computer and phones. I wrote 2 articles that were published by Uniting World Website. A b\website of Uniting Church Australia.
Please have a look to learn about our effort for peace. click the link for the story

So as things settle back... it's a nice time for a cuppa with some traditional feel... Panekoek Unti...  how can I call this in English? Pandan crepes with sweetened cinamon flavour coconut filling... or the other word for this is Dadar Gulung or Rolled Omelette  hehehe... correctme if I'm wrong... but the taste is yummy... and perfect for a reflective afternoon.....

This is my entry for Masak Bareng Yuuk! Sept-Oct 2011 edition of Jajanan Masa Kecil 

Ingredients: -- (I use approxiamate measurements)

First make the unti or the coconut filling

finely grated 1/2 coconut - preferably not the old and dry coconut ( or you can just use fine dessicated coconut you can buy in store - soaked in water)
1 cup of Dark Palm Sugar  - I use the locally produce one
1/2 cup of sugar
1 Pandan Leaves
1/2 stick of Cinnamon
1 cup of water
1/4 tsp salt

In a non-stick wok mix together water, palm sugar and sugar, cinamon, salt and pandan leaves in a low heat.
Add the grated coconut once the sugar is well mixed and not lumps is showing.
Keep stiring until the sugar water is well absorbed by the grated coconut.
Take care and keep on stiring to make sure it won't stick and the sugar caramelized. --

For Panekoek / Crepes:
1 1/2 cup    All purpose Flour
1/2 cup   sugar
2   Eggs
1/2 tsp   salt
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 cup of pandan water -- (I blitzed 6 Pandan leaves in a blender with 1 cup of water - drain to separate the leaves from the water)
2 tbsp metled butter or margarine
and about 11/2 cup of additional water

Mix the flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder well with a whisker
Add 2 eggs and pandan water and mix well until no lumps is present.
Add the additional water to the consistency you desired. Mine is a but runny so I can get a thin crepes.
Last stir through the melted butter or margarine.
Then we are ready to crepes... In a  non stick pan over medium heat, spray the coating oil or just sprinkle some oil to the surface. Wait until it's hot and 1 dollop of the batter and swivel it around to make a thin crepes. Make sure you turn to the other side so both side will be well cooked.

To Serve:
Add 1 tsp or tbsp of the coconut filling to each of the crepes and then fold

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Papeda Kuah Ikan

Jadi orang Ambon pasti identik juga dengan makanan satu ini – Papeda. 

Papeda adalah salah satu makanan pokok orang Ambon atau juga orang Maluku yang terbuat dari tepung sagu basah. Namun Papeda bukan hanya ditemui di Ambon/Maluku. Di Makasar disebut Kapurung, di Papua namanya sama, papeda juga.

Papeda bertekstur seperti lem dan selalu dimakan dengan makanan yang berkuah. Pasangan paling top adalah papeda dan kuah ikan. Terserah kuah ikannya mau dimasak apa. Mau kuah ikan kuning yang pakai kunyit dan daun kemangi yang kadang juga ditambahkan kenari cincang. Sampai yang paling simple (menurut saya) yaitu Ikan Air  Garam. Untuk Ikan Air garam, baru pernah saya temui setelah menikah dan tinggal dengan mertua di Desa Waai.

Membuat Papeda tidak semudah kelihatannya. Bahkan saya saja belum ‘lulus’ untuk cara membuat yang baik dan benar. Masih keder kalo harus membuatnya didepan mertua. Kalo untuk dimakan sendiri sih HAJAR Saja!! Hehehehe….

Lucunya, kemarin-kemarin saya sempat nonton acara Home Shopping di TV yang mempromosikan double Pan yang bisa memasak segala jenis masakan. Si koki memperagakan membuat Papeda yang keliru disebut oleh TV hostnya dengan “pepeda”. Kelihatannya simple banget padahal bikin Papeda (menurut mertuaku tercinta) ada pakemnya dan saya kira dahulu, jaman opa-opa dan oma-omaku, membuat papeda adalah salah satu tes apakah seorang anak perempuan sudah siap menikah. Untung sekarang sudah tidak begini lagi, kalau tidak, berarti saya sama sekali belum bisa menikah. Hehehehe…

Sayangnya sekarang papeda bukan lagi jadi staple food atau makanan pokok. Ini makanan sekali-sekali –sekali sebulan – sekali seminggu etc. Mungkin hanya di kampong-kampung, papeda ini masih disuguhkan 2 atau 3 kali seminggu. Papeda digusur Nasi. Coba kalau orag ambon tetap makan hasil olahan sagu, maka idak ada ketergantungan pada beras yang mengakibatkan krisis beras di Indonesia dan harus mengimpor besar-besaran dari Negara lain. Padahal Negara kita dan tanah kita ini kaya.

Anyway, ini dia cara membuat Papeda yang saya masukan sebagai entry Masak Bareng Yuuk!! Juli – Agustus 2011 Edisi Hidangan Ulang Tahun. Kali ini dibuat dalam rangka Ulang Tahun Propinsi Maluku dan Dirgahayu Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Celebrating being an ambonesse yang bangga dengan makanan tradisional warisan nenek moyang and giving thanks to live in Indonesia!

2 bola Sagu Manta (tepung sagu)
500 ml Air dingin
2000 ml Air Mendidih
1 sdt garam
1 sdm air lemon cina (lemon cui)

Alat yang diperlukan:
1 buah Sempe ukuran sedang
1 Aru-aru – alat pencampurnya – bisa memakai sendok kayu yang didapur
Sepasang Gata-gata – mirip garpu bergigi dua dan panjang terbuat dari bamboo – digunakan untuk menyajikan papeda.

Cara mambuat
  • Larutkan Sagu manta dengan 500 ml air dingin. Hancurkan dengan tangan sampai menjadi cair dan menyatu dengan air
  • Siapkan ‘sempe’ (wadah papeda dari tanah liat) dan saringan. Lalu saring air sagu manta tadi ke dalam sempe.
  • Sisihkan dan biarkan hingga sagu mantanya kembali mengendap. (kira-kira ½ jam)
  • Didihkan air
  • Setelah sagu manta mengendap, tiriskan air dingin (air yang berlebih) sehingga hanya ada sagu manta dalam Sempe. Lalu cakar dengan tangan hingga gumpalannya larut dan konsistensinya larut.
  • Siapkan tempat dengan mengatur sempe diatas meja dekat dengan kompor air yang sedang mendidih dan Aru-Aru yang sudah direndam dalam air dingin berada disamping sempe – agar bisa dijangkau dengan cepat -à membuat papeda harus cepat sebelum tepung sagu mengeras setelah kena air panas.
  • Setelah semuanya siap. Tuangkan air panas kedalam sempe berisi sagu manta larut tadi à banyaknya air tidak pernah bisa diperkirakan karena tergantung dengan kualitas sagu manta. Karena itu biasa mereka yang sudah biasa akan terus menuang hingga terlihat penggumpalan mirip adonan kalis yang mulai muncul.
  • Jika demikian, penuangan air dihentikan dan secapat mungkin, diaduk dengan Aru-aru (Pengaduk) dengan gerakan memutar.
  • Papeda yang benar haruslah berubah warna menjadi adonan lengket yang berwarna jernih. Konsistensinya tidak boleh keras dan tidak boleh terlalu lembek.
  • Tidak boleh ada sisa-sisa sagu manta yang perwarna putih dalam sempe. Semua harus menjadi jernih.
  • Papeda siap dinikmati.


6 Ekor ikan Kawalinya sedang (ikan Kembung)
1 buah jeruk nipis
5 buah lemon cina (lemon cui)
5 butir bawang Merah
4 Butir bawang Putih
1 ruas jahe
1 ruas lengkuas
2 tangai serai
3 buah tomat sedang
Segengam daun solasi (atau daun kemangi jika tidak ada)
5 buah Cabe kecil – Masukan utuh
2 buah cabe merah besar – keluarkan biji dan iris serong
Garam secukupnya
Air secukupnya (sekitar 500-700ml)

Cara Membuat:
  1. Bersihkan ikan lalu marinate dengan air satu buah jeruk nipis dan garam. Sisihkan
  2. Iris tipis semua bumbu. Kecuali lemon cina, cabe kecil (jika tidak mau pedas), lengkuas, Serai dan jahe yang di keprak saja.
  3. Didihkan air. Setelah mendidih, masukan semua bumbu kecuali lemon cina dan daun solasi.
  4. Setelah kira-kira 3 menit, Masukan ikan. Tambahkan air perasan dari 5 lemon cina dan daun solasi serta garam. Untuk asam dan garam silahkan disesuaikan dengan keinginan masing-masing.
  5. Biarkan mendidih sampai ikan matang ( 5 – 10 menit)
  6. Siap dihidangkan.


Irisan 3 bawang merah secukupnya
1 buah tomat yang diiris besar (in chunks)
6 pucuk Daun kemangi yang iris bagi dua (atau uth kalau mau)
6 sdm Kecap Manis secukupnya
Air perasan 4 – 5 lemon cina secukupnya
Garam dan gula

Cara membuat:
Taruh bawang merah iris, tomat dan daun kemangi dalam mangkuk. Masukan kecap manis dan perasan air lemon cina, garam dan gula. Campur dan sesuaikan rasa asam, manis dan asinnya sesuai keinginan.


Papeda Kuah Ikan Air Garam pun siap untuk disantap.. cara makannya... harus diseruput langsung dari piring dan tidak boleh pakai sendok.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mie Ayam Pangsit // Noodle Soup with Chicken Topping and Wonton

I was down with flu then My Lil Tania also catch it. Simon started to sniff too. The weather is getting wetter, gloomier and colder. So Mie Ayam is the perfect cure... Basically I just need hot broth dish. Then I thought of making my own pangsit and Ta-DA!!! Easy peasy actually...

So Since I am battling stuffy nose and ticklish throat plus need to work fast to anticipate Tania waking up for her feed. I use only approximate measuring. Please adjust your taste if you tried the recipe..

I am submitting this as my entry to Masak bareng Yuuk! Event of "Hidangan Berkuah"

The Noodle Soup consists of Chicken Toppping, Broth, beef balls (bakso) and wonton.
Click here for Beef balls (bakso) recipe.
Click here for wonton recipe.

Source: Buku Seri Menu Istimewa - Yasaboga terbitan Gramedia Pustaka Utama

- Egg Noodle - I use the one that comes in small bundled nest. 1 nest for 1 person.
- Wonton Skin
- Beef balls
- Blanched Bok Choy

Chicken Topping:
-  Chicken breast, finely diced - you can cut it in big chunk or as small as you like
- 4 garlic, mashed it in a pestle
- 1 Medium Onion
- 5 tbsp Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce
- 1 tbsp Sesame Oil
- 1/2 cup  water
- Salt and pepper
- 3 tbsp oil

  • heat the oil in wok, saute garlic and onion until fragrant. 
  • Put the chicken in and continue sauteing until chicken pieces change color. 
  • In with the sesame oil, salt, pepper, sweet soy sauce and water.Mix well.
  • Cover the wok and let it cook for a few minutes until most the water is absorbed.
  • Remove from heat and set aside.

- 700 cc Water or Chicken Broth (if you have)
- 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 Spring onion, sliced
- 1 chicken stock cube if you feel like adding one.

  • Boil the water / Broth, add ground white pepper, salt and stock cube. 
  • Just before removing from heat, put the sliced spring onion
Set aside 1 cups to blanched dried noodle.

  1. Blanch the dried noodle if you are using one. Drain and immediatelly sprinke about 1/2 tsp cooking oil on it to keep them from sticking.
  2. Put the noodle in bowls. Topped with 1 or 2 tbsp of Chicken topping, blanched Bok Choy and Fried Wonton.
  3. Put the broth in a smaller bowl with Beefballs and steamed Wonton

I didn't make my own sambal. instead I use the store bought chilli sauce. ^_^

Beef Balls // Bakso Daging

This turns out to be yummy and simple. can be use on Bakso (Meatballs soup) or Mie Ayam.

Source: Buku Seri Menu Istimewa - Yasaboga terbitan Gramedia Pustaka Utama

250 gr Ground Beef
125 gr Tapioca flour (I use breadcrumbs)
25 cc water
1/2 sdm salt (or to your taste)
2 garlic
1/4 ground white pepper

  • Grind garlic in pestle. 
  • Put the ground beef in a bowl mix with garlic, salt, pepper, tapioca flour (or breadcrumbs). Mix it well until all is combined. keep mixing until you can form a little balls.
  • Boil the water and then turn the heat on low
  • drop the beef balls in the water. once it afloat then it's cooked.

Pangsit Goreng // Fried Wonton

This is to accompany my Mie Ayam (Noodle Soup with Chicken Topping). Pangsit can be fried or steamed of boiled in hot water. I didn't use exact measurement so please go with your approximate and preferred taste.

Source: Buku Seri Menu Istimewa - Yasaboga terbitan Gramedia Pustaka Utama

- 1 cup of Diced Chicken
- 1/2 cup of Minced Prawn
- 1 tsp tapioca flour
- 3 Garlic, grind
- 1 spring onion, finely chopped
- Salt and white pepper
- Ready to use Wonton Skin 
- Water or egg whites to glue the wonton skin

1. Mix all ingredient (except the wonton skin)

2. Take 1 small teaspoon of the filling and put it in the center of the wonton skin. Wet the sides of the wonton and fold it to a triangle. Then twisted it to make a shape of a boat.

3. Deep fry it for fried Wonton or Steamed or drop it on hot water until cooked.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Eggplant / Aubergine in Sweet Soy Sauce // Terong Saus Kecap

This is lunch today. We're staying at my mom and dad's house and with Tania very fussy we have no time to go to the market. What I can find in the fridge is Eggplant or Aubergine plus some Indonesian red onion and Garlic. After rummaging for a while I found some Sweet Soy sauce, seasoned flour (tepung bumbu serba guna) and ground white pepper. That'll do I think. So here's a very simple and quick dish.

3 medium size Eggplant - cut to your liking for 1 cm thickness
5 Indonesian red onion
4 Garlic
4 table spoon of Sweet Soy Sauce
a handful of Seasoned Flour
Salt, ground white pepper
1/2 cup Oil for frying

  1. Crushed 1 garlic and mix with with a little water and salt to rub over the eggplant. Make sure it cover it all but not soaking it. Set aside for 15 minutes.
  2. In a pestle (if you have one or food processor), grind together 5 Indonesian red onion and 3 garlic. Set aside
  3. Heat the oil in a wok. Put the seasoned flour on a plate and dip the eggplant and fried it for 5 minutes on medium heat just until the coating is golden.  
  4. The sauce: Saute the ground onion in 2 tablespoon of oil (from the oil used for frying the eggplant) until fragrant. Then in with the sweet soy sauce, salt and ground white pepper. Taste and combine well.
  5. Arrange the fried eggplant on plate and then pour the sauce over the eggplant. Ready to serve.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Simple and Versatile Choc Puds

When we were living in UK, we were a bit confused at the beginning whenever Brits said “we shall have Puds after this”. Assuming Puds as the pudding we usually have in Indonesia, we were surprised to learn that Puds can refer to any kind of sweet dessert. So soft and hot chocolate cupcake can also mean Puds.
In Indonesia when you say pudding it will mean something similar to Jelly or Gelatin. Our Pudding is made of Seaweed extract unlike gelatine which derived from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones (Wikipedia) 

There are very sophisticated way of making Pudding but one very simple way I know consist of only 4 to 5 ingredients which you don’t need an exact measurement that can sometimes drive you crazy. My mother taught me and my brother how to make this back when we were in elementary school.

So if you are living abroad, get yourself to Asian store and look for something that look like this or similar. This is just an example of what I like to use. They come in color so to be safe choose the plain one, or chocolate if you want to make chocolate pudding.

OK, Here’s how to make one. Oh and… measuring wise – just go with what you feel like adding. This is very versatile.

  • 1 packet of Agar-Agar – the chocolate flavour one
  • 8 glass of water – The packet will ask you to put 4 glass or 500ml of water but I usually add ¾ of it’s amount to soften the pudding to a melt-in-your-mouth texture.
  • A cup of Milk you desire – the more the creamier – If you have Chocolate Milk it will be perfect too.
  • Several Tablespoon of Sugar – You decide the level of sweetness
  • 2 Tbsp of Powdered chocolate or 2 chunks of cooking chocolate (melted) – Optional

  1. Put the water in a medium size pan, add the sugar and milk (and the powdered or melted chocolate if your are using). Stir until sugar dissolve.
  2. Add the agar-agar packet and stir well until all combine without any lumps.
  3. Put it on the stove – medium heat and keep on stirring in circular motion. Never stop stirring or else the bottom will stick.
  4. When it is bubbling, take it off the stove and then pour into mold.

Note and Tips:
  1.  If you are using Plain (no Color) Agar-Agar and you want to make chocolate Pudding, then the addition of powdered chocolate or the use of chocolate milk is a must (or else how can we call it chocolate pudding when it’s not chocolate.
  2. If you are using Plain (no Color) Agar-Agar you can alternatively make a vanilla pudding. Just use plain milk and add some vanilla essence or vanilla pods.
  3. Wet the mold before pouring the hot pudding mix. Just run some water on the inside of the mold and empty it again. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Special Fried Rice // Nasi Goreng Special

Recipe wise, there nothing special about it. What makes this fried rice special is that, It was made with love for my brother Tony. I made this last Sunday for our breakfast and for Tony's Bento Box. He was serving 2 Church service celebrations back-to-back, the 9 am and 12 pm. So he needed food to 'survive' the lunch time.

Here's a quick and simple recipe (or so I think it is). The measurement for the ingredients can be add or take away as you like. Anyway, this recipe is usually measure with 'feeling'. SO if you feel like adding things up then add. etc

To Make 5 serving

10 Shallot or Indonesian red onion - Finely diced
8 Garlic - finely diced
2 tbsp of Chili Sauce
4 tbsp of Tomato Ketchup
2 tbsp of Fish Sauce
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
Few squirts of Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce (about 5 to 6 Tbsp or more if you like)
5 servings of cooked white rice (left over rice is equally fine)
Optional Addition:
A cup of Sweet Corn
A cup of Diced Carrot
A handful of chopped Sausage
Scrambled eggs


  1. Heat some oil in a wok. Sautee shallot and Garlic until fragrant.
  2. In with the sauces, chilli sauce, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, fish sauce, and sweet soy sauce. Mix well until a bit bubbly.
  3. In with the rice the additions- i use chicken sausage, sweet corn and diced carrot. -- What i usually do is to take the wok off the stove to mix the rice well and everything well without the risk of burning it on the heat -- Once it is mixed well (you should be see any white colored rice anymore). Put it back on the low heat and continue stiring for about 2 to 3 minutes to warm the rice again. 
  4. Serve hot - Suggestion: serve it with shrimp crackers and fresh cucumber. In the picture I only have rempeyek (indonesian sidedish)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bola-bola Ikan Menyamar

Yang paling seru dari masakan ini selain dimakan adalah namanya. Hehehehe... Padalah ini resep-resepan buat menyelamatkan sisa ikan 2 hari yang lalu (tapi masih baik lho). Ini masih edisi proyek hari hujan bersama mertua. Secara Ambon bulan May ini hujan tak berhenti terus...
Oh ya, bumbu2 bisa disesuaikan dengan banyaknya ikan dan selera sendiri saja.

Beberapa Potong Ikan Goreng - bisa yang baru atau bisa yang sudah dari kemarin. Kami pake 6 potong ikan
2 buah Tahu
1 butir Telur
5 butir Bawang Merah - Rajang dan goreng
4 butir Bawang Putih - Kupas dan goreng utuh
3 cabe merah besar - boleh tambah cabe kecil untuk tingkat kepedesan yang diinginkan
Daun Seledri atau Peterseli secukupnya - Rajang halus

Cara Membuat:

  1. Bersihkan ikan dari tulangnya. Giling halus di cobek.
  2. Haluskan tahu dengan garpu lalu campur dengan ikan giling
  3. Haluskan bumbu: B. Merah goreng, B. Putih goreng, Cabe merah, garam dan ketumbar. 
  4. Campurkan bumbu halus dengan ikan dan tahu tadi
  5. Masukan 1 butir telur, lada dan daun seledri.
  6. Campur rata 
  7. Pulung adonan menjadi bola-bola kecil lalu goreng dalam minyak yang banyak hingga matang.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Putu Ayu

Beberapa hari ini hujan terus. Bosan juga dirumah terus. Kebetulan mertuaku mengusulkan untuk membuat kue putu ayu. Maka jadilah proyek hari hujan kami hari ini. Kue Putu Ayu.... ternyata mudah membuatnya... selamat mencoba.

Sumber Resep: Resep Mertua

2 cup  Tepung Terigu
1 butir kelapa agak muda yang diparut memanjang. Sisihkan 1 cup di wadah terpisah
1 cup  Santan (dari kelapa parut diatas) yang disaring dengan 5 lembar daun pandan parut
1 cup  Gula Pasir
4 btr    Telur
1 sdm  SP
1 sdt    Vanilla essence
Beberapa tetes pewarna hijau (jika perlu dan jika suka) - kami pakai pasta pandan
Garam secukupnya

Cara Membuat:

  1. Campur kelapa parut yang disisihkan tadi dengan garam secukupnya - kira-kira 2 sdt garam
  2. Kocok telur dan gula sampai mengembang lalu tambahkan SP
  3. Masukan Tepung terigu dan santan secara selang-seling
  4. Tambahkan Vanilli dan pewarna
  5. Tuang dalam cetakan yang sudah di masukan kelapa parut
  6. Kukus dalam dandang selama 15 menit. 
  7. Keluarkan dari cetakan dan dinginkan. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mom's Banana Muffin

A recipe I inherit from my mom. This brought back memories of when she was still working for SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistic) and life in Poka before Ambon conflict. At one time, we handled the catering for SIL guesthouse and Mom taught me how to made this breakfast entree. I was in Junior high school and this recipe was an easy one. Fool proof for me... hope it does the same to you...

This month I'm also submitting this to Masak Bareng Yuuk! March-April 2011 Edition for Kue-Kue Internasional

Ingredients and Directions

2 Cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Sugar (Please add if you like it to be sweeter - we prefer it not too sweet)
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Bicarbonate Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Ground nutmeg (I find that grinding a fresh whole nutmeg gives better taste and smell to the muffin compares to the ready-grinded nutmeg in bottle)

Mix this well and set aside

1 well mashed ripe Banana (better taste with Eating banana such as Pisang Ambon or Pisang Meja)
1 Egg
1 Cup Milk
1Cup Vegetable Oil

Mix this well and stir into Mix 1... Mix Throroughly then spoon into Muffin Cups or any other baking container you wish to use and bake in the oven lower rack for 20-30 minutes on medium heat. Or until the sides of the muffin is golden. Then move to the upper rack for about 5 minutes. ---

Thank you Momma!


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